If you are planning on going on a holiday then it is only crucial that you are dressed right for it. We mean can you imagine wearing the thickest jacket in your wardrobe in the extremely hot climate or feeling numb from cold in just a plain cotton tee shirt? Not only will it spoil your holiday but you are also sure to come back home feeling sick, unhappy and having made a complete blunder of your so- called holiday. Therefore, it is extremely essential that when you are traveling, not only have you checked the existing weather conditions there but also that you are appropriately packed for the same. if you are traveling got India anytime soon, then we have the perfect guide on what to wear to make the most of an amazing holiday.

India is a huge country where you are sure to find diverse weather conditions. If you ate traveling to places like Maharashtra or Goa, then you are good to go with something as simple as normal jeans and t-shirts, dresses, shorts, etc. Right from your swimsuits to bikinis, to shorts to spaghetti tops, all are sure to be just perfect. However, if you are planning to explore more parts of the state, then you might want to carry just a jacket or a warm shawl with you.

If you have plans to travel to parts like Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, or other states that have extreme climatic conditions, like which are very hot in summer and very cold in winter, then it's best to pack as per the time for your travel. Summers in these states can be very harsh and therefore you must be carrying only cotton, linen, etc. In winter you are good to go with nice warm jackets, a cap, scarves, etc.

When you are traveling to India, it is not just the weather conditions that you have to keep in mind. It is also important for you as a traveler and that too if you are a female traveler to know that people in some parts of the country are slightly conservative and the more decent you are dressed the more comfortable you are going to feel. Having said that, the fact also remains that with millions of travelers coming to this wonderful city every year, the people and the mindsets are both changing. Nonetheless, if you are looking for the right ways to explore this beautiful country, then grab your most comfortable cotton clothes and get ready for the ride of a lifetime.